I hereby consent to the use and license of my (my child’s) recorded name, 相似, 的声音, 表演, 传记, 证明, and/or composition by 365球赛平台郡学院 in producing and/or promotion of a college publication/video/TV 广播/advertisement/public service announcement and in all versions and adaptations thereof, to be used for any and all purposes. I acknowledge that my (my child’s) 表演 may be edited as desired. I agree that the program and the copyright shall belong to 365球赛平台郡学院 and shall be free from any claim hereto by myself. I hereby waive and forego any compensation for my (my child’s) appearance in the publication, 生产, 广播, 重播, re生产 of the program or any portion of the program and/or commercial materials; and I hereby release 365球赛平台郡学院 and its subcontractors or any of its affiliates, from any liability arising from the use of this program material and/or commercial materials created by 365球赛平台郡学院 or furnished by me (my child) in connection with its 生产.
I am 18 years of age or older and I agree to the terms of consent.I agree to the terms of consent for my child under 18 years of age.